The Pool Therapist Management provides highly qualified certified pool operators to maintain, supervise and to provide a clean and safe environment to our clients. Our company provides the following services:

The Pool Therapist is dedicated to providing the most effective way of servicing or repairing your commercial or residential pool. Our service technicians can diagnose and repair any problem that might occur prior to the pool season. Using our services can guarantee that your facility pool will not be closed down due to malfunction of equipment or violations from the Board of Health.
- Acid washing / indoor and outdoor facilities
- Automatic Controllers
- Chemical feeders
- Coping
- Crack repairs
- Custom Cover installation
- Deck replacement
- Deck resurfacing
- Filters
- Filter media replacement
- Fountain Maintenance and Repairs
- Heaters
- Hot Tubs and Spas (Commerical & Residential)
- Leak Detection/Pressure Testing
- Lifeguard stand replacement
- Motors
- Painting
- Pool resurfacing
- Pool re-marbleizing / White coat / Fiberglass
- Pumps
- Renovation of old pool
- Re-Plumbing of Filtration Equipment
- Sauna Repair
- Summer Openings
- Tile Replacement
- Underwater lights
- Winter Closings

American Red Cross certified instructors both within our own company and at other facilities train all the Pool Therapist lifeguards. Lifeguard instructional courses include Basic Lifesaving techniques, CPR, Basic First Aid, Automatic External Defibrillator modules and routine “In-Service” Training.
Our In-House Risk Management Program trains lifeguards to prepare in a more in-depth way to respond to emergency situations by reviewing lifeguarding skills and The Emergency Action Plan through simulated emergencies.
In addition to American Lifeguard Training, The Pool Therapist conducts its own training which now includes all COVD-19 Safety protocols for patrons and pool staff, once they complete and pass the American Red Cross Lifeguard training course. Continued training will include but not limited to water chemistry, guarding techniques and in-depth cleaning procedures.

The Pool Therapist has a field supervisory staff, which is second to none in the industry. As a team average, these professionals have more than 10 years of pool related work experience. Their level of expertise serves as a support network for on-site managers, which in turn assures a high level of service and consistency for the clientele at each facility. The Pool Therapist supervisors provide an exemplary support network for both clients and lifeguards. They enjoy working with young people and they excel in motivating and training them to execute their jobs to the best of their abilities.
- On site inspections of each pool, daily. If requested, written reports.
- Meet weekly with a designated representative from each facility to ensure satisfactory operation.
- Clients have access to field supervisors 7 days a week.

Hot tubs and spas can be costly to repair which is why we have our specially trained technicians who are able to repair and maintain your Hot Tub or Spa and are ready to schedule an appointment.
Problems can include –
- Clogged Filters
- Control Systems
- Heater Failure
- Pool Circulation
- Pump Malfunction
- Thermostats
- Water Chemistry
To insure the lifespan of your Hot Tub or Spa, regular maintenance with quality materials is essential!